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Published At: 16 Jun 2023
Published By: Comprehensive Vein Care
5 Dangerous Foods for People with Varicose Veins

Altering food choices may not be a complete solution to vein diseases. However, a nutritious diet plays a vital role in the venous system. 

Therefore, say a big no to sugary treats, salty food, and refined carbohydrates when you suffer from varicose veins. There is a list of other food items too, which you should avoid. Let’s find out what they are: 

1.     Fried Food 

Crispy fried chicken, nuggets, or a hamburger all seem delectable. But the high sodium and fat content makes them worse. Not just this, the absence of high fiber is another reason to avoid fried food. 

Regular intake of these fatty foods can result in constipation. After which, you experience strain in the lower rectum veins. Such a condition can further worsen your varicose veins or cause hemorrhoids. A fiber-rich diet is, therefore, the best recommendation for varicose vein patients. 

2.     Added Sugar 

Another hard-to-resist category is sugary food. Cakes, pastries, doughnuts, and many other sweet items are part of our routine diet. But, beware of their negative impacts. Such food items increase the level of insulin in our circulatory system. 

Additionally, since sugar absorbs water, it expands the vein walls. Though the walls return to normal after the blood sugar level becomes normalized, they lose elasticity and slowly become less efficient in pumping blood. As a result, it gives birth to varicose veins. 

3.     Alcohol 

Alcohol plays the same part in absorbing water and causes dehydration. This is why our body struggles to transfer blood to various body parts. And the venous system gets pressurized through it. The entire result is another reason for exacerbating the varicose vein symptoms. 

4.     Refined Grains 

Undoubtedly, breaking the habit of having white bread for breakfast is difficult. Besides this, rice is also a part of our everyday diet. Both of these common items, along with pastries and cakes, belong to the refined grain group. 

It is important to note that all refined grain items have no fiber, which is why this group is in the red zone for varicose vein patients. The absence of fiber makes these food items a big reason for constipation. Alternatively, try to consume a fiber-rich diet to strengthen the venous system. 

5.     Salty Food

Salty food is equally dangerous because of water retention. The high amount of salt retains water, due to which the blood volume and blood pressure increase. Besides this, the retained water causes swelling in the legs, leading to varicose veins. 

Bringing changes in your diet is a positive step towards controlling varicose vein symptoms. But for complete treatment, you should find a vein specialist near you. Comprehensive Vein Care is one of the best clinics for vein treatments. Book an appointment to know about the latest treatments for varicose and spider veins. 

To schedule your free consultation, please call (937) 325-3830 or

To schedule your free consultation, please call (937) 325-3830 or